How To Prevent Shoplifting In Montgomery And More Business Security Tips
Fending off potential thieves is a big effort for the preponderance of companies -- particularly for local shops. The truth of the matter is that not every business can pay for permanent security professionals or other higher-priced anti-theft measures. Nevertheless, there are some effective and economical means to prevent shoplifting in Montgomery to protect your company’s finances.
Here are some Montgomery business security tips that are nearly effortless to incorporate and won’t inconvenience your frequent patrons.
Consider A Wireless Security System
The most critical aspect of any wireless security plan is having equipment that you can effectively manage once it's been set up. An integrated network of wireless video cameras is a good place to start and will prove invaluable when keeping a close watch of your store. It's recommended to choose ones that come equipped with a wider field of view, full HD resolution, infrared capability, and motion sensors to uncover any suspicious activity. Install a device over the door and enjoy a complete picture of your store, but don't forget to put cameras pointed toward the cash register and storage area. These are attractive places for petty criminals and will aid in making your team feel safer when interacting with customers.
Then round out your store’s defense with intrusion sensors at the access points within your location. The ideal security package comes with 24-hour monitoring, which reacts to any alarm within seconds. You will also want a set up that works with a cell phone app, so you have the ability to monitor your property at any moment you want.
Post Notifications About Your Store’s Protection
The best Montgomery business security tips are typically simple but valuable. For instance, displaying security notifications at the entrance of your shop and around the checkout area is often an unexpectedly powerful method in putting a stop to shoplifting. As a reputable business person, you should be forthright with customers, employees, and suppliers that your shop and goods are defended. And simply mentioning that your store is being monitored could discourage a potential shoplifter from attempting a crime.
Limit Access To Specific Spaces With Smart Locking Systems
If you limit access to places like loading areas and stockrooms, you cut out a lot of ways that shoplifting can occur. A traffic door or saloon door flaps just won't cut it, as you can’t secure them. On the other hand, if you integrate keypad smart locks on your entryways, you can benefit from an additional degree of security for your off-limits areas. Then give each employee a specific code, so if they ever resign, you can deactivate their code.
Insufficient Lighting and Overstuffed Shelves Lead To Increased Shoplifting
Shoplifting is easier when prowlers have the opportunity to loiter in poorly lit spaces. In addition, shoplifting increases with crammed shelving units and counters. Christmas sales and other large promotions are especially prone to arrangements that are a challenge to keep under control. You probably also know that clearance items are sometimes placed on an out-of-the-way shelf, which makes them easy to slip into a pocket or bag with little chance of being noticed.
When you come across a rack with items routinely being knocked to the floor, cut the quantity to 2/3rds. That might seem a bit much, but you can always rearrange as you like. Just remember, you are likelier to detect a stolen product when you can easily see an unwanted space in your arrangement.

Start Protecting Your Retail Location With The Best Wireless Security System
If you’re thinking about implementing wireless security for your Montgomery retail location, you must consider a plan with the latest surveillance systems and devices. Our Vivint specialists will tailor the right plan for your unique specifications and precisely place all your devices to fully protect your place of business. Reach out to (334) 378-2456 or complete the form below.